Friday 8 February 2013

Aba terima bintang....

Non of us siblings knew about it.  That's how secretive Dad can be.  On 17 Jan 2013, while browsing through FB as usual, Tupai was pleasantly surprise to see a picture of Mum and Dad at Sis Kesulai home.  And the caption on the picture was "Entua terima bintang" posted by my brother in law.

Nya..neh..alu begau kami se madi laban nyak. Alu tag mengetag pangan diri ba pisbup.
See... bukan main lobing maya take photo.  Smart gitu my Dad.  We are all so proud of him.  He deserves it.  He did a lot of contribution to his people at Kampung Bersatu from the day the kampung started with no basic amenities to now with almost everything available; clean piped water, electricity, balai raya.

My Dad is a firm, strong and brave person who does not hesitate to speak out his mind and never gives up.  I hope to inherit that character.  hehehehe....
Bintang Aba

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